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    Disclaimer: I have never played Mount and Blade. The following information was gained entirely through secondary sources. When you play as a female character, your starting stats will change - you will, relative to a male character, have +1 AGI and +1 INT, but -1 STR and -1 CHA 1.

    In addition, a woman of noble background will have different starting skills to a man of noble background: women will get Riding, Wound Treatment, and First Aid instead of Power Strike and Tactics 2. A similiar change in starting skills applies to a woman of nomad background compared to the male counterpart. As a female character, you will need more Renown to do things. The base requirement to join a faction is 150 for men, but 200 for women3.

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    In addition, it is more difficult to get a fief as a woman, unless you have a large amount of Renown (700). If you play as a woman, the lord who owns the castle associated with your village granted to you will deny you entry into his castle 4.

    The marriage system for men and women is also different. The system for marriage for women may be considered simpler, but possibly more difficult 5. It is very direct - find the lord you want to marry, increase your relationship with him, and then ask to 'cement the alliance to their house'. The wiki page suggests that a female character 'may gain more from a marriage than her male counterpart', but it doesn't elaborate on this. One last thing: female characters also can marry a Hero, which male characters cannot do 6.

    Altogether, it seems like playing as a woman is overall a disadvantage 7, as it seems the cons outweigh the pros. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7.

    From my experience playing the game, playing as a female character could be considered the 'Hard Mode' within Mount and Blade: Warband. It's less of a disadvantage and more of a way to give a challenge. They have a unique way of getting Renown as well, but it could be a gamble: If you counter a lord's remarks about you being a maiden, it is possible that you may get Renown for this due to them admiring a quick tongue and an equivalent wit. However, they may also lose relations with you, try to duel you, or even send their army at you. 1 Overall, it's more of a way to make the game much more difficult than it is as a male character.

    (Last bullet in 'You can gain renown in a number of ways:'). If you're using the mods that allow you to control the garrsion of the spouse, then being a woman is an insane advantage.

    It means you can have an indefinite amount of troops without paying their wages (even their half wages). This is also possible for men if one is playing a mod where female lords do exist (e.g. Clash of Kings with Asha Greyjoy, Maege Mormont et al).

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    However, it is significantly more difficult to marry those (you'll probably have to be in the same faction first). Though to be honest, this is quite gamey and could probably ruin the immersion and make the game a bit too easy. How the game mechanics work may vary by version/update for female toons. I played version 1.1.72 as woman and and man both and noticed little to no difference in renown gain. I did notice that in the 1.172 as soon as renown was 150 or more vassal and a fief was offered by the king of the territory I was in via messenger (neutral or positive in that faction ). I too noticed a difference in the response options for female toons when talking to lords.

    I suspect, but have not tested, getting a positive result will ( like capturing lords in battle) depend in the fellows personality. Wiki fandom has a personality chart that allows you to figure which lord has what personality by their first comments at meeting you (prior to merc or vassal in that lords faction). Character builds 6: 2 female, 4 male. 1 noble 1 non on the gals.

    Contents Nations Characteristics If you are a ruler of an own realm you can change the nations characteristics of your faction by talking to your. Centralization vs Decentralization 3 - Very Centralized. Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is reduced by 15%, and increased by 15% for his vassals. The Monarch's relations with his/her vassals should suffer a -3 hit every month.

    The Monarch's armies get a 30% percent increase, and vassals' armies get a 9% decrease. 2 - Quite Centralized. Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is reduced by 10%, and increased by 10% for his vassals. The Monarch's relations with his/her vassals should suffer a -2 hit every month. The Monarch's armies get a 20% percent increase, and vassals' armies get a 6% decrease.

    1 - Little Centralized. Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is reduced by 5%, and increased by 5% for his vassals. The Monarch's relations with his/her vassals should suffer a -1 hit every month. The Monarch's armies get a 10% percent increase, and vassals' armies get a 3% decrease. 0 - Neutral Centralization. Neither too centralized, nor too decentrilized.

    No effect on Tax Inefficiency, relations with vassals, or armies.1 - Little Decentralized. Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is increased by 5%. The Monarch's relations with his/her vassals should increase by +1 every month.

    The Monarch's armies get a 10% percent decrease, and vassals' armies get a 3% increase.2 - Quite Decentralized. Ucapan syukur ulang tahun. Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is increased by 10%.

    The Monarch's relations with his/her vassals should increase by +2 every month. The Monarch's armies get a 20% percent decrease, and vassals' armies get a 6% increase.3 - Very Decentralized. Tax Inefficiency for the Monarch is increased by 15%. The Monarch's relations with his/her vassals should increase by +3 every month. The Monarch's armies get a 30% percent decrease, and vassals' armies get a 9% increase. Aristocracy vs Plutocracy 3 - Very Aristocratic. Trade decreases by 15%.

    Monarchs' relations with their vassals increase by +3 every month. Vassals' armies increase by 9%.

    2 - Quite Aristocratic. Trade decreases by 10%.

    Kings' relations with their vassals increase by +2 every month. Vassals' armies increase by 6%. 1 - Little Aristocratic. Trade decreases by 5%. Kings' relations with their vassals increase by +1 every month.

    Naruto shippuden 305 english dubbed. Vassals' armies increase by 3%. 0 - Mixed Aristocracy/Plutocracy. A mixture of arisctocracy and plutocracy. No effect on trade, relations with vassals, or armies.1 - Little Plutocratic.

    Trade increases by 10%. Monarchs' relations with their vassals decrease by -1 every month. Vassals' armies decrease by 3%.2 - Quite Plutocratic. Trade increases by 15%. Monarchs' relations with their vassals decrease by -2 every month. Vassals' armies decrease by 6%.3 - Very Plutocratic.

    Trade increases by 20%. Monarchs' relations with their vassals decrease by -3 every month. Prince of persia game pc. Vassals' armies decrease by 9%.

    Serfdom vs Free Subjects 3 - All Serfs. Tax inefficiency decreases by 9% for both the Monarch and their vassals. Troops of the faction suffer a 6% strength reduction in AI fights.

    Monarch's and vassals' armies increase by 3%. 2 - Mostly Serfs. Tax inefficiency decreases by 6% for both the Monarch and their vassals. Troops of the faction suffer a 4% strength reduction in AI fights.

    Monarch's and vassals' armies increase by 2%. 1 - Usually Serfs. Tax inefficiency decreases by 3% for both the Monarch and their vassals.

    Troops of the faction suffer a 2% strength reduction in AI fights. Monarch's and vassals' armies increase by 1%. 0 - Balance of Serfs and Free Subjects. A mixture of serfs and free subjects. No effect on Tax Inefficiency, faction troops, or armies.1 - Usually Free Subjects. Tax inefficiency increases by 3% for both the Monarch and their vassals.

    Troops of the faction get a 2% strength bonus in AI fights. Monarch's and vassals' armies decrease by 1%.2 - Mostly Free Subjects. Tax inefficiency increases by 6% for both the Monarch and their vassals. Troops of the faction get a 4% strength bonus in AI fights. Monarch's and vassals' armies decrease by 2%.3 - All Free Subjects.

    Tax inefficiency increases by 9% for both the Monarch and their vassals. Troops of the faction get a 6% strength bonus in AI fights. Monarch's and vassals' armies decrease by 3%. Quality vs Quantity 3 - Legendary Bravery. AI strengh of troops inceases by 12%.

    Vassals' armies decrease by 12%. 2 - Great Bravery.

    AI strengh of troops inceases by 8%. Vassals' armies decrease by 8%. 1 - Good Bravery. AI strengh of troops inceases by 4%.

    Vassals' armies decrease by 4%. 0 - Neutral Quality and Quantity.

    Mediocre bravery and quantity. No effect on strength of AI troops or on the size of vassals' armies.1 - Good Quantity.

    AI strengh of troops decreases by 4%. Vassals' armies increase by 4%.2 - Great Quantity. AI strengh of troops decreases by 8%. Vassals' armies increase by 8%.3 - Legendary Quantity. AI strengh of troops decreases by 12%. Vassals' armies increase by 12%. Mercantilism vs Free Trade Mercantilism increases the profit gained through domestic trade (i.e.

    Between your own population centers), and decrease the profit from international trade (both for the kingdom's own merchants, and for foreign merchants trading in that kingdom). The caravan routing takes this into account, meaning that Mercantilistic policies will entice your merchants to trade between your own cities at the expense of discouraging traders from other kingdoms.

    A highly-liberalized economic policy increases profits and encourages external trade, advantageous when you are a one- or two-town kingdom. Conversely, a neutral policy encourages trade amongst both your own cities and foreign cities and is advised as your nation expands. As you get larger, it is better to become more mercantile, as you have more resources under your control.

    Note that liberal economics carries an element of risk since it requires travel abroad and incurs the associated threat of raids by bandits or other hostile forces. Mercantilism is thus particularly effective in a time of open warfare, especially against nearby nations.

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